Since Pedigree now was in the Dunbee-Combex-Marx business conglomerate they had the possibility to reuse the lovely Little Hostess Dining Table and Sideboard Marx had patented in 1964 (according to the very reliable Our Sindy Museum site).
“In 1971 Lines Brothers, filed for bankruptcy and Tri-ang Hornby was sold to the Dunbee-Combex-Marx business conglomerate.” From the page 304 of the book Encyclopedia of Play in Today’s Society, Volym 1. Rodney P. Carlisle.
As you know, I put the scensetters in the order they are shown in the brochures, that I’ve been giving permission to use by Pedigree, Sindy’s dining room is first shown this year. But apparently sold already in 1972.
I admire the fact that Pedigree were keen on using up their stocks and redesigned/reused dolls/items to be able to sell everything and not throw it away. Of course it probably was a way for them to save money and make more profits for the company.
But using as much as you can of already made things is a modern way of thinking, at least now when I’m writing this (2022). But we think of what is best for the environment and how to save planet Earth from over consumption in combination with the economy.
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