Here is the list of Sindy dolls from the International 1982 Sindy brochure.

More pictures and information will be uploaded as soon as time allows it!
If you own one of the dolls that aren’t part of our collection yet and are interested in selling it, please contact us.
All pictures on this page are shown with the kind permission of Pedigree (and other mentioned on the photos).

From the 1982 International Sindy brochure.

Sindy has long rooted hair in three (?) different hair colours: auburn, dark and blond with center part and the classic Sindy ponytail.
On Annika Norell‘s photo of her 1979 Sweet Dreams Sindys (right) you can see their different hair colours. But those are not the international dolls, with the painted on eyelashes so not sure there were any auburn international Sweet Dream dolls made.

Thank you for sharing your photo Annika! Make sure to visit her Instagram account @barbieblackwidow_offstage

Her body is a basic body but since they have big inserted eyes in their heads (that are closing when her body are moved in to a “laying on her back” position) their neck ball looks different to save space (see photos below), she has markings on the head (only numbers) 0333390 with 27 below, movable head, movable arms, twist’n’turn waist, movable hips and click-click legs. And probably, like the rest of the 1982 dolls, the bodies can differ depending on production country (Great Britain, Hong Kong or China). The ones made in Hong Kong have Hong Kong marked on the back of the lower waist. The other two body “types” have no markings (if this doll ever were produced elsewhere).
Click on an image for more detailed photos.