Click on a picture to see them enlarged.
TLSM is collaborating with Paul Jackson who has the “1986 Pedigree Sindy” page on Facebook.
He says: “The original Funtime Sindy has the new body, which has a smaller ball head and a more defined abdomen and a slightly more pointed chest.
In the release of Funtime Sindy when the box design was changed, Sindy’s body was updated to the My First Sindy style body. Sindy’s blonde hair is pulled into the famous ponytail with a small white ribbon, however less care has been taken on the style than in previous years.”
The photos below are of TLSM’s Funtime Sindy, bought new in the first range box but with unbendable knees! Probably Pedigree put the second edition of Funtime Sindy dolls, to be sent abroad, in old designed boxes and that way use up the old box stock while the same doll sold in GB got the new designed boxes without the Sindy illustration on the front.

And below are TLSM’s first range Funtime Sindy with bendable legs (in the green outfit).

TLSM’s two different Funtime Sindys on the left side photo, below. Notice the different shade of the green fabric! It would be easy to think that Pedigree changed the fabric for the second box but clearly Paul Jackson’s photo of the two different boxes shows it was not the case. Produced in different countries perhaps?