So. Something happened and this Sindy got released as Colour Magic Sindy with a different outfit. She still had the same hair and swimming costume that both changed colour in warm water. But she came in a new colourful and sparkling skirt with matching top instead of the blue and white outfit shown in the catalogue.

From the 1986 Sindy catalogue.
Click here to see the photos below, complete and enlarged. Since TLSM bought this doll used from the expert in this era himself, Paul Jackson, it’s safe to show her ID photos!

It’s not the water in it self that changes the colours of the hair and swimming costume, it’s the heat. You can see the difference in her appearance below, before and after the warmth from the hair dryer.

Paul Jackson says: “My two colour magic girls. As a kid I was quite obsessed with this doll as she was loads of fun to see her hair and costume changing colour.
I have one more minty than the other. Her hair can get quite course like the Sindy on the right. I’ve not spent any time on her hair though. Her outfit is very cool compared to her promo pics.
She came in the swim suit and the skirt and jacket. The skirt and jacket was used the year after although the jacket had a popper in the 87 version (pic to the right) to hold it closed as a top rather than a jacket.
The blue skirt and white jacket version was never released. Interestingly she was not issued with the first wave of dolls and presumably underwent a small makeover and name change before she was issued.“

F Al Fayhani found this image (below) on the internet.
She says: “It seems to be an advertisement of the 1986 Sindy collection at Selfridges. It shows the actual ”Disco Magic” dolls (D) and separate fashions (E) that were released at the second wave. Also the alternative scrapped Sindy doll “Colour Magic” (A) instead of the one showed in the catalogue “Magic Moments” which was never released! Another interesting doll is the “Starlight” Sindy with green jumpsuit (F) which was not cataloged or released on the first wave of that year, but was released with the second wave according to Paul Jackson. All those dolls are supposed to be released with the 2nd wave boxes of that year.“

If you want to see the colour magic in action you can watch it here!
Thank you Paul Jackson for selling this gorgeous girl to TLSM!