1986 Sindy Fashions Classics: Outfit 43169

TLSM has this outfit, boxed and in played with condition. Scroll down to see all of the photos of this outfit!

Sindy’s Friends (Marie and Mark) Royal Wedding 42106, was not included in the 1986 Sindy brochure. But as far as TLSM can tell, the Sindy Fashions Classics Outfit 43169 is the same dress that they used for Marie. Even though the photo of Marie’s dress, on the back of the box, more likely is the same as the uncatalogued dolls: 1985 Sindy Beautiful Bride, 42018.

At least it seams like they decided to use the veil differently on Marie’s head then they did on Sindy’s.

Thank you for sharing your photo Vectis Auctions Ltd!