This is the introduction text from Kid kreations Sindy Play web page:
“Hi! I’m Salon Stylist Sindy! I love meeting new people and making new friends! If you want a friend for life who’s always willing to listen and share advice, I’m your girl! Pop in any time and I’ll make you feel brand new!
Salon Stylist Sindy is the perfect playset for any doll lover who just loves making new friends. She wears a bright pink tee, pastel tie dyed dress, bright pink ballet shoes and a pink accessories belt. She comes with super silky long pastel pink hair which she loves to try new styles with.
Salon Stylist Sindy also comes a hair brush, hair clips and mirror which can all be stored in her pink accessories belt.”
If the link above doesn’t work anymore this is how the web page looked in 2022 (a print screen image):