Patch is so happy that autumn has arrived! Now she can play in the pile of leaves!

She’s wearing her 1966 Sou’wester (9P05), 1966 Easy Life( 9P53) and 1966 Home for the Day( 9P54).
Just when Patch gets a great idea…
…her mum Smilla says it’s time to go home.

Patch lies in the pile of leaves and sees their dog Bruno in the corner of her eyes. “I’m sure Bruno wants to have a little play with me hiding in the pile, she thinks. And maybe we can let little sister Mathilda hide with us as well!?”

But right before she can put her plan into action her mum says: -“Time to go home dear!”

( I know Patch is supposed to be Sindy’s little sister but in this diorama I think Sindy looks like a very sweet mother of two.)