This is the introduction text from Kid kreations Sindy Play web page:
“Hi! I’m Riding Club Sindy! I love nothing more than being outdoors riding my pony through the fields. Come rain or shine, I’m at the stable early to get my pony ready for the day. It’s lots of hard work but riding is my world!
Riding Club Sindy is the perfect playset for any equestrian loving little one. She wears a blue tee and gilet with grey jodhpurs and blue riding boots. She has curly red hair which is tied back under her blue riding hat.
Riding Club Sindy also comes with Sindy’s pony, reins, bridle and saddle, and a blue brush for keeping his mane looking its best.”
If the link above doesn’t work anymore this is how the web page looked in 2022 (a print screen image):