Lives in:
Known for:
Favourite Sindy:
Questions and Answers
1) Q: How did you first discover Sindy? A:
2) Q: How old were you when you got your first Sindy? A:
3) Q: What model was your first Sindy? A:
4) Q: What kind of Sindy/Sindy item did you dream about as a kid? A:
5) Q: What kind of Sindy/Sindy item do you dream about now? A:
6) Q: What led you into your Sindy career you have today? A:
7) Q: Can you mention three people you think helped you there? A:
8) Q: Do you have a special goal for your Sindy work? A:
9) Q: Can you mention three people you think of as doll influensers? A:
10) Q: What do you love/like/appreciate about Sindy? A:
Anything else you’d like to share with us?