9.30 pm – And so… it had been a real ‘Dream Date’, and as Sindy and her beau tucked into coffee, dessert and the cheeseboard, Sindy wondered where they would go next time? Should she have ordered the chocolate cake ( her lifelong favourite) instead? And what should she wear for the next date?!!! Sitting at the table and raising a glass of champagne is easy for Sindy as she is articulated, and can easily hold lifelike poses! She has a moveable head, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees and a twist waist! Also the new Sindy (TLSM add: Kid Kreations 2020 Sindy Collectors Range) can fit vintage Sindy’s clothes and shoes! Don’t forget to cartwheel over to @sindycollectorsclub.co.uk. Sindy makes a great Valentine gift for a loved one… or a special treat for yourself!!! Enjoy!!