1977 Sindy Weekender, 44613 (international 44612), came as a basic Sindy.
Do you own a still boxed Weekender Sindy from 1977? Sindydectives is searching for photos of as many of the 1977 Weekender Sindy doll MIB as possible!
If so please contact TLSM!
To best be of help make sure the photo shows the bag, t-shirt and trousers. All of you who’s helping us will get credit and be mentioned here as well.

As shown at TLSM:

Click on the pictures above to enlarge them.
Regarding Weekender’s outfit, Sindytectives (Beatrice Victor & TLSM) have found it in four different variations! We can’t be sure that our investigation is 100 % correct, of course.
TLSM has got three sets of T-shirt and trousers similar to the Weekender’s. And they have all come as a pair but in three different lots with more outfits and items, bought as “played with” on auctions in Sweden.
The three T-shirts are all in the same elastic fabric with a sewn-on metal snap button with nothing (but the thread) showing on the back.
And the red trousers, that followed the same lot as each T-shirt, are all in a stiffer fabric of plain weave.
Could those sets been on Weekender dolls sold Internationally?

When Sindytectives have researched the internet for some kind of photo evidence, we found three variations of Weekender outfits on boxed dolls. This makes four different variations possible to have been sold as outfits on the 1977 Weekender doll. Click here to see any of the photos below enlarged!

Sindytectives suspects that perhaps the dolls with the elastic T-shirts might have been sold internationally. We (in Sweden) have found so many more of the T-shirts in that fabric than with the harder, nonelastic fabric, that seems to be more common in the UK?

Another interesting top is this tank top (centered on the photo to the left), kindly donated to TLSM by Frankie Sinclair!
It’s been difficult to identify it. One possibility is that it was sold together with the 1984-86 Keeping Fit scenesetter although the pictures only show a white top without the Sindy logo…
This, below, is the only picture Sindytectives have found of the tank top with the logo. Picture found on Pinterest

If anyone have more information regarding the tank top, please contact TLSM!
There are yet two more T-shirts with the Sindy logo but these two doesn’t have the circled R after Sindy. It’s the 1978 Marx Sindy Let’s Take It Easy, outfit 1106 (even though shown with the cicled R on the pictures in the booklet and on the boxes, it was in reality sold with a T-shirt without the circled R after Sindy) and the 1981 Sindy Your first fashion doll, 44499, that came in the T-shirt without the circled R after Sindy.

And also there were a couple of other Sindy logo tops that were produced by Pedigree. Both were in the Mix’n’Match collections. One with a green logo and with 3/4 sleeves from 1980 and one with an aqua blue logo from 1981.
Below you can see all the Pedigree Sindy tops with the Sindy logo that has the circled R after.

Thank you Beatrice Victor for being such an amazing friend and Sindytective “colleague”! TLSM would be nothing without you <3