Active Sindy has long rooted hair with center part and the classic Sindy ponytail, “Sindy” molded on the back of her head and 033055X below it underneath the hairline, ball jointed neck, ball jointed shoulders, bendable elbows, ball jointed waist, ball jointed hips, click-click knees and bendable ankles.
The bodies made in Hong Kong have Hong Kong marked on the back of the lower waist. The other two body types have no markings. The heads of the dolls produced in Hong Kong are harder and smaller than the other’s heads. But all heads have the same markings.
As far as TLSM can tell the alternative outfit was not included in the box, like it was with the 1986 Ballerina. You only got one ballerina in either the white tutu outfit or the pink tutu outfit.
This is photos (found on internet) of the beautiful “Swan Lake” box with Sindy in the glittering new Ballerina outfit.
It’s a bit unclear if the Active Sindy Ballerina in the pink tutu/earlier outfit came in an upgraded box or was sold in the box from 1979. If anyone have information and photos regarding this, please contact TLSM!

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