1984 Scenesetters

Two new lovely horses was released this year: Poseable Horse 44251 (I have only found boxes named Chestnut Horse but I believe they are the same. If anyone knows more about it please send a PM TLSM) and Foal 44250. The horse was all new with a neck that could be adjusted so it could eat grass from the ground or hold it’s head up high. The foal was really sweat with a tiny little tail.

This box is from Pearlscollectibles on Tradera. If you’re lucky you can find it, and other Sindy things on Per’s shop site, just click here!

Foal 44250

This box is from Pearlscollectibles on Tradera. If you’re lucky you can find it, and other Sindy things on Per’s shop site, just click here!