Sindy made under license

Here is the list of Sindy dolls made under license of Pedigree. 

More pictures and information will be uploaded as soon as time allows it!

If you own one of the dolls that aren’t part of our collection yet and are interested in selling it, please contact us. 

All pictures on this page are shown with the kind permission of Pedigree (and other mentioned on the photos).

Click on an image for more detailed photos. 

No Sindy catalogues were made in 1997-1998.

1994-2005 Funskool Sindy
Funskool renamed Miss India Sindy to My Mia, after 2005.
1999 Vivid Imaginations Sindy
2000 Vivid Imaginations Sindy
2001 Vivid Imaginations Sindy
2003 New Moon Sindy
(Pic from
2006 Chad Valley Sindy
(Pic from
2006? Sindy Cabin Crew dolls
2007? Hachette Sindy
2014-15 Tonner Sindy
2016 Tesco Sindy
(Pic from
2020 Kid Kreations Sindy Collectors Range
2021 Kid Kreations Sindy
Play Range
2022 Kid Kreations Sindy
Play Range