Photos from when TLSM was ready for The Grand Opening in September 2022, at the new place further up in Sweden.
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While searching for the Mattel’s Jack Sparrow doll, TLSM found this house instead!It was during the Amber Heard – Johnny Depp trial so just for fun I created Mera from Aquaman (Amber played her)… …and Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean (that Johnny played).I thought Mark and Marie would be great OOAK as their characters living in this particular house, as a fun reminder of how it got to TLSM. My mum did the sewing!Thanks to Freyja TLSM has this cool Sindy billboard!Sindy is wearing a replica of the 1965 Emergency Ward outfit is made by the very talented Sue Scrase aka Sewist53!The display of the OOAK dolls (among other things).Ideal Tammy 1962 (to the left) is the original while Pedigree Sindy 1963 (in the middle) and Estrela Susi 1966 were licensed by the American Ideal Toy Company to be produced in their own countries by another company. The three Disney characters: Alice in Wonderland (wrong apron), Snow White and Cinderella made by Pedigree in 1978 as Fairy Tale Teens. “A Disney doll from Pedigree”Two dolls most collectors want to have in their collection: 1978Marx Sindy’s friend Gayle and 1982 McDonald’s Sindy.OOAK dolls: Geishas by TLSM, Outlander Sindys by Kerstin Bergström aka Catface and Audrey Hepburn Sindy “Breakfast at Tiffanys” by Julie Campbell.Sindy Flower Fairy by Helena Högberg, Forest Sindy by TLSM and Annelie Sindy by Jo Chafer aka The Sindy Ballet Girl.Limited edition Christmas cards made by Jo Chafer!Ideal Pepper wears a smaller 1965 Emergency Ward outfit is made by the very talented Sue Scrase aka Sewist53! Rasta Sindy OOAK doll and Soul Blogger Sindy by TLSM.The OOAK Goth Sindy by Cathy Howard aka Jollydollyshop.Flamenco Sindy made and donated to TLSM by Nicole Becker aka @beckys_doll_world.OOAK Sindydockans Rainbow Sindy by Maria Blomkvist and the Dye Sindy by Angelika Glaser aka Angelina Bambolina.Left Outfit made by Gwyneth Marshall and the Sindy to the right is rerooted by Julie Rogers and wears an outfit by Syateljé Emm E aka Mai Ehrnell (my mum).These lovely outfits are all made by Audrey Thompson (Lucy Aissa Taylors mum) and donated to TLSM!The evolution of Sindy: Pedigree Little Miss Vogue 1959, Ideal Tammy 1962 (and then all of the Pedigree Sindys, some shown on TLSM), Hasbro Sindy, Vivid Imaginations Sindy, 2003 New Moon Sindy, 2006 Chad Valley Sindy and 2016 Tesco mini Sindy.TLSM’s Estrela Susi dolls.Sindy Florido (left) and Fleur (right).More Fleur dolls!More of Sindy’s cousins: from the left Tucha doll, Debenhamns Victoria Jane, Sebino Bessie 1978, Greek Bibi-Bo dolls (two), Debenhamns Debbie Glitter and BHS Natalie.TLSM’s best colleague ever: Izzy!The Mattel dolls are safely kept in the dungeon! Although they believe they are there to be kept safe away from the Sindys…
In 2024 TLSM got The Hasbro Corner and some new dolls. See photos below of the new scenery.