Here you can see the list of Sindy dolls shown in each of the Pedigree leaflets/brochures/catalogues. If you use your smartphone and/or don’t want to scroll so much just click on the years shown here:
(2023) 2024 Sindy, An Original Pedigree Design: 60th Anniversary Limited Edition Doll
On the pictures below you see the catalogue frontpages in the upper left corner and then all the dolls from that year. This way I hope it will be easier to just glance over, without clicking, for the things you might be looking for.
If TLSM owns any of the listed dolls you’ll see photos of them among the others (work in progress).
Further down you can also find TLSM’s Save a Sindy projects and OOAK (One Of A Kind) Sindys at TLSM as well as TLSM’s WANTED list for dolls.
More pictures and information will be uploaded as soon as time allows it!
All pictures on this page are shown with the kind permission of Pedigree (and other mentioned on the photos).
TLSM’s Save a Sindy projects:
Since I have bought a lot of Sindy dolls for TLSM, and not all the dolls are as good as I had hoped for, I don’t want to use them at TLSM. I prefer dolls that I believe are in their original form even if some of them have been very much loved.
But when the Sindys perhaps have something that are missing, are in a bad state, someone has repaired them or their head is not on the right body and so on, I can use them for the Save a Sindy projects I do each year.
This is a way for people, who wants to help TLSM try to keep the history of Sindy alive, to make a fixed sum donation and as a Thank You they get to choose one of the dolls in that specific Save a Sindy theme as a reminder of their good deed.
If you are interested in this kind of donation please contact TLSM via email:
Click on a photo below to see and/or read more about them!
OOAK (One Of A Kind) Sindys at TLSM:

People often ask if there’s a list of things not yet avaliable at The Little Sindy Museum. So on demand: WANTED BY TLSM!
Crossed over items are already at TLSM.
If you own anything shown on the pictures down below and are interested in selling it, please contact us.
All pictures on this page are shown with the kind permission of Pedigree.